Library TAL.TAL0.Syntax

Syntax of TAL-0: Control-Flow-Safety

Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
Require Import TAL.Maps.

The TAL-0 Syntax

Registers are defined as follows:
r ::= r_1 | r_2 | … | r_k
Definition of operands:
v ::= n   (integer literal)
    | l   (label or pointer)
    | r   (register)

Inductive val : Type :=
  | VNum : Z val
  | VLbl : nat val
  | VReg : nat val.

Definition of instructions:
ι ::= r_d := v
    | r_d := r_s + v
    | if r jump v

Inductive instr : Type :=
  | IMov : nat val instr
  | IAdd : nat nat val instr
  | IJIf : nat val instr.

Definition of instruction sequences:
I ::= jump v
    | ι;I

Inductive instr_seq : Type :=
  | IJmp : val instr_seq
  | ISeq : instr instr_seq instr_seq.

Definition of register values:
w ::= n   (integer literal)
    | l   (label or pointer)

Inductive reg_val : Type :=
  | RNum : Z reg_val
  | RLbl : nat reg_val.

Definition of register files:
R ::= {r_1 = w_1, … , r_k = w_k}

Definition regs := total_map reg_val.
Definition empty_regs : regs := t_empty (RNum

Heap values are defined as follows:
h ::= I
Definition of heaps:
H ::= {l_1 = h_1, … , l_m = h_m}

Definition heap := partial_map instr_seq.
Definition empty_heap : heap := p_empty.

Definition of machine states:
M ::= (H, R, I)

Inductive mstate : Type :=
  | MSt : heap regs instr_seq mstate.

Converts the given register value to an operand.

Definition to_val (w : reg_val) : val :=
  match w with
    | RNum nVNum n
    | RLbl lVLbl l

Evaluates the given operand with respect to the given register file. Simply lifts a register file R from operating on registers to operands.
R'(n) = n
R'(l) = l
R'(r) = R(r)

Definition reval (v : val) (R : regs) : reg_val :=
  match v with
    | VNum nRNum n
    | VLbl lRLbl l
    | VReg rR (Id r)

Notations for common instructions:

Notation "'R(' d ) := n" :=
  (IMov d (VNum n)) (at level 60).
Notation "'R(' d ) := 'R(' s ) + n" :=
  (IAdd d s (VNum n)) (at level 60).
Notation "'R(' d ) := 'R(' s ) + 'R(' r )" :=
  (IAdd d s (VReg r)) (at level 60).
Notation "'R(' d ) +:= n" :=
  (IAdd d d (VNum n)) (at level 60).
Notation "'R(' d ) +:= 'R(' r )" :=
  (IAdd d d (VReg r)) (at level 60).
Notation "'JIF' 'R(' r ) l" :=
  (IJIf r (VLbl l)) (at level 70).
Notation "'JIF' 'R(' r ) 'R(' d )" :=
  (IJIf r (VReg d)) (at level 70).
Notation "'JMP' l" :=
  (IJmp (VLbl l)) (at level 80).
Notation "'JMP' 'R(' r )" :=
  (IJmp (VReg r)) (at level 80).
Notation "ι ;; I" :=
  (ISeq ι I) (at level 80, right associativity).