Library TAL.TAL0.TypeSyntax

Type Syntax of TAL-0: Control-Flow-Safety

Require Import Coq.Bool.Bool.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
Require Import TAL.Maps.
Import ListNotations.

The TAL-0 Type Syntax

Definition of types:
τ ::= int       (word-sized integers)
    | code(Γ)   (code labels)
    | α         (type variables)
    | ∀α.τ      (universal polymorphic types)

Inductive ty : Type :=
  | TInt : ty
  | TCode : list (nat × ty) ty
  | TAlpha : nat ty
  | TForAll : nat ty ty.

Notations for common types:

Notation "'int'" :=
Notation "'code(' Γ )" :=
  (TCode Γ).
Notation "∀ α .> τ" :=
  (TForAll α τ) (at level 70, right associativity).

Definition of a type map for register files and heaps:
Γ ::= {r_1 : τ_1, … , r_k : τ_k}   (register file types)
Ψ ::= {l_1 : τ_1, … , l_m : τ_m}   (heap types)

Definition ty_map := list (nat × ty).
Definition empty_ty_map : ty_map := [].

Looks up the type associated with the given key. Returns None, if no type is associated with the given key.

Fixpoint ty_lookup (tm : ty_map) (x : nat) : option ty :=
  match tm with
    | []None
    | (y, τ) :: tm'if beq_nat x y then Some τ else ty_lookup tm' x

Looks up the type associated with the given key. Returns int, if no type is associated with the given key.

Definition ty_lookup_int (tm : ty_map) (x : nat) : ty :=
  match ty_lookup tm x with
    | Noneint
    | Some τ ⇒ τ

Updates the type associated with the given key.

Fixpoint ty_update (tm : ty_map) (x : nat) (τ : ty) : ty_map :=
  match tm with
    | [][(x, τ)]
    | (y, τ') :: tm'if beq_nat x y
                          then (y, τ) :: tm'
                          else (y, τ') :: ty_update tm' x τ

Updates the type for every key in the given list of key-type pairs. For multiple mappings with the same key, the last corresponding mapping of the given list is taken.

Definition ty_update_list (tm : ty_map) (ps : list (nat × ty)) : ty_map :=
  fold_right (fun p tm'ty_update tm' (fst p) (snd p)) tm ps.

If we update a type map tm at a key x with a new type τ and then look up x in the type map resulting from the update, we get back τ.

Lemma ty_update_eq : (tm : ty_map) (x : nat) (τ : ty),
  ty_lookup (ty_update tm x τ) x = Some τ.
  intros tm x τ.
  induction tm.
  - simpl.
    rewrite <- beq_nat_refl.
  - destruct a.
    compare x n.
    + intros H.
      rewrite H.
      rewrite <- beq_nat_refl.
      rewrite <- beq_nat_refl.
    + intros H.
      apply beq_nat_false_iff in H.
      rewrite H.
      rewrite H.
      apply IHtm.

If we update a type map tm at a key x and then look up a different key y in the resulting type map, we get the same result that tm would have given.

Theorem ty_update_neq : (tm : ty_map) (x y : nat) (τ : ty),
  y x ty_lookup (ty_update tm x τ) y = ty_lookup tm y.
  intros tm x y τ H.
  induction tm.
  - simpl.
    rewrite <- beq_nat_false_iff in H.
    rewrite H.
  - destruct a.
    compare x n.
    + intros H1.
      rewrite H1.
      rewrite <- beq_nat_refl.
      rewrite H1 in H.
      rewrite <- beq_nat_false_iff in H.
      rewrite H.
    + intros H1.
      apply beq_nat_false_iff in H1.
      rewrite H1.
      rewrite IHtm.

Removes the type associated with the given key.

Fixpoint ty_remove (tm : ty_map) (x : nat) : ty_map :=
  match tm with
    | []tm
    | (y, τ) :: tm'if beq_nat x y then tm' else (y, τ) :: ty_remove tm' x

Checks whether the given types are equal.

Fixpoint beq_ty (τ : ty) (τ' : ty) : bool :=
  match τ, τ' with
    | int, inttrue
    | code(Γ), code(Γ')
      (fix beq_ty_map (xs : ty_map) (ys : ty_map) : bool :=
         match xs, ys with
           | [], []true
           | [], _ :: _false
           | _ :: _, []false
           | (x, t) :: tm, _
             match ty_lookup ys x with
               | Nonefalse
               | Some t'beq_ty t t' && beq_ty_map tm (ty_remove ys x)
         end) Γ Γ'
    | TAlpha α, TAlpha βbeq_nat α β
    | α.>t, β.>t'beq_nat α β && beq_ty t t'
    | _, _false

Checks whether the given type maps are equal.

Fixpoint beq_ty_map (xs : ty_map) (ys : ty_map) : bool :=
  match xs, ys with
    | [], []true
    | [], _ :: _false
    | _ :: _, []false
    | (x, τ) :: tm, _
      match ty_lookup ys x with
        | Nonefalse
        | Some τ' ⇒ beq_ty τ τ' && beq_ty_map tm (ty_remove ys x)

Replaces the given type variable in the first type with the second type.

Fixpoint replace_ty (τ : ty) (α : nat) (τ' : ty) : ty :=
  match τ with
    | intτ
    | code(Γ)code(map (fun p(fst p, replace_ty (snd p) α τ')) Γ)
    | TAlpha βif beq_nat α β then τ' else τ
    | β.>tif beq_nat α β then τ else β.>(replace_ty t α τ')

Replaces the given type variable in the type map with the given type.

Definition replace_ty_map (tm : ty_map) (α : nat) (τ : ty) : ty_map :=
  map (fun p(fst p, replace_ty (snd p) α τ)) tm.

Checks whether the given type has no free type variables.

Inductive ftv_null : ty Prop :=
  | FTV_Int : ftv_null int
  | FTV_Code : Γ,
    ( l, ftv_null (ty_lookup_int Γ l))
       ftv_null code(Γ)
  | FTV_ForAll : α τ,
    ftv_null (replace_ty τ α int) ftv_null (α.>τ).

Definition ftv_null_b (τ : ty) : bool :=
  (fix ftv_null_list_b (tvs : list nat) (t : ty) : bool :=
     match t with
       | inttrue
       | code(Γ)forallb (fun pftv_null_list_b tvs (snd p)) Γ
       | TAlpha αexistsb (fun nbeq_nat n α) tvs
       | α.>t'ftv_null_list_b (α :: tvs) t'
     end) [] τ.