Library TAL.TAL0.Eval

Interpreter for TAL-0: Control-Flow-Safety

Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
Require Import TAL.Maps.
Require Import TAL.TAL0.Syntax.

The TAL-0 Semantics

Definition of an execution status:

Inductive exec_status : Type :=
  | ESFail : exec_status
  | ESSucc : exec_status
  | ESTrans : mstate exec_status.

Evaluates the given machine state to a new machine state. If a number is used as a label or vice versa, ESFail is returned. If a label is not found, the execution stops and ESSucc is returned.

Definition mseval (ms : mstate) : exec_status :=
  match ms with
    | MSt H R (IJmp v) ⇒
      match reval v R with
        | RLbl lmatch H (Id l) with
                      | NoneESSucc
                      | Some IsESTrans (MSt H R Is)
        | _ESFail
    | MSt H R (IMov d v ;; Is) ⇒
      ESTrans (MSt H (t_update R (Id d) (reval v R)) Is)
    | MSt H R (IAdd d s v ;; Is) ⇒
      match R (Id s), reval v R with
        | RNum n1, RNum n2
          ESTrans (MSt H (t_update R (Id d) (RNum (Z.add n1 n2))) Is)
        | _, _ESFail
    | MSt H R (IJIf r v ;; Is) ⇒
      match R (Id r) with
        | RNum Z0match reval v R with
                       | RLbl lmatch H (Id l) with
                                     | NoneESSucc
                                     | Some Is'ESTrans (MSt H R Is')
                       | _ESFail
        | RNum _ESTrans (MSt H R Is)
        | _ESFail

Evaluates the given machine state with the given number of steps.

Fixpoint mseval_n (n : nat) (ms : mstate) : exec_status :=
  match n with
    | 0 ⇒ ESTrans ms
    | S mmatch mseval ms with
               | ESTrans ms'mseval_n m ms'
               | resres

In addition to the mseval and mseval_n function we define equivalent relations mseval_prop and mseval_prop_n:
Checks whether a machine state can be evaluated to another machine state.

Inductive mseval_prop : mstate mstate Prop :=
  | R_Jump : H R I v l,
    reval v R = RLbl l
       H (Id l) = Some I
       mseval_prop (MSt H R (IJmp v)) (MSt H R I)
  | R_Mov : H R R' I d v w,
    reval v R = w
       t_update R (Id d) w = R'
       mseval_prop (MSt H R (IMov d v ;; I)) (MSt H R' I)
  | R_Add : H R R' I d s v n1 n2,
    R (Id s) = RNum n1
       reval v R = RNum n2
       t_update R (Id d) (RNum (Z.add n1 n2)) = R'
       mseval_prop (MSt H R (IAdd d s v ;; I)) (MSt H R' I)
  | R_If_Eq : H R I I' r v l,
    R (Id r) = RNum Z0
       reval v R = RLbl l
       H (Id l) = Some I'
       mseval_prop (MSt H R (IJIf r v ;; I)) (MSt H R I')
  | R_If_Neq : H R I r v x,
    R (Id r) = RNum x
       x Z0
       mseval_prop (MSt H R (IJIf r v ;; I)) (MSt H R I).

Checks whether a machine state can be evaluated to another machine state with one ore more steps.

Inductive mseval_prop_n : mstate mstate Prop :=
  | R_Seq1 : ms ms',
    mseval_prop ms ms'
       mseval_prop_n ms ms'
  | R_Seq2 : ms ms' ms'',
    mseval_prop ms ms'
       mseval_prop_n ms' ms''
       mseval_prop_n ms ms''.

We prove the equality of mseval and mseval_prop:

Theorem mseval_faithful : (ms ms' : mstate),
  mseval_prop ms ms' mseval ms = ESTrans ms'.
  intros [H R I] [H' R' I'].
    intros Hprop.
    induction Hprop; simpl; rewrite H1; try rewrite H2.
    + reflexivity.
    + reflexivity.
    + rewrite H3.
    + rewrite H3.
    + induction x.
      × contradiction.
      × reflexivity.
      × reflexivity.
    intros Heval.
    destruct I.
    + inversion Heval.
      destruct (reval v R) eqn: H2.
      × inversion H1.
      × destruct (H (Id n)) eqn: H3.
        -- inversion H1.
           eapply R_Jump; eassumption.
        -- inversion H1.
    + destruct i.
      × inversion Heval.
        eapply R_Mov; reflexivity.
      × inversion Heval.
        destruct (R (Id n0)) eqn: H2.
        -- destruct (reval v R) eqn: H3.
           ++ inversion H1.
              eapply R_Add.
              ** eassumption.
              ** eassumption.
              ** reflexivity.
           ++ inversion H1.
        -- inversion H1.
      × inversion Heval.
        destruct (R (Id n)) eqn: H2.
        -- destruct z.
           ++ destruct (reval v R) eqn: H3.
              ** inversion H1.
              ** destruct (H (Id n0)) eqn: H4.
                 --- inversion H1.
                     eapply R_If_Eq; eassumption.
                 --- inversion H1.
           ++ inversion H1.
              eapply R_If_Neq.
              ** eassumption.
              ** congruence.
           ++ inversion H1.
              eapply R_If_Neq.
              ** eassumption.
              ** congruence.
        -- inversion H1.