Library TAL.TAL0.TypeSystem

Type Checker for TAL-0: Control-Flow-Safety

Require Import Coq.Bool.Bool.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
Require Import TAL.Maps.
Require Import TAL.TAL0.Eval.
Require Import TAL.TAL0.Syntax.
Require Import TAL.TAL0.TypeSyntax.
Import ListNotations.

The TAL-0 Type System

Definition of a context for the typing rules:

Inductive ctx :=
  | EmptyCtx : ctx
  | PsiCtx : ty_map ctx
  | PsiGammaCtx : ty_map ty_map ctx.

Typing rules for values:

Inductive value_has_type : ctx val ty Prop :=
  | S_Int : Ψ n,
    value_has_type (PsiCtx Ψ) (VNum n) int
  | S_Lab : Ψ l τ,
    ty_lookup Ψ l = Some τ value_has_type (PsiCtx Ψ) (VLbl l) τ.

Typing rules for operands:

Inductive val_has_type : ctx val ty Prop :=
  | S_Reg : Ψ Γ r τ,
    ty_lookup_int Γ r = τ val_has_type (PsiGammaCtx Ψ Γ) (VReg r) τ
  | S_Val : Ψ Γ v τ,
    value_has_type (PsiCtx Ψ) v τ val_has_type (PsiGammaCtx Ψ Γ) v τ
  | S_Inst : Ψ Γ v τ τ' τ'' α,
    val_has_type (PsiGammaCtx Ψ Γ) v (α.>τ)
       replace_ty τ α τ' = τ''
       val_has_type (PsiGammaCtx Ψ Γ) v τ''.

Typing rules for instructions:

Inductive instr_has_type : ctx instr ty_map × ty_map Prop :=
  | S_Mov : Ψ Γ Γ' d v τ,
    val_has_type (PsiGammaCtx Ψ Γ) v τ
       ty_update Γ d τ = Γ'
       instr_has_type (PsiCtx Ψ) (IMov d v) (Γ, Γ')
  | S_Add : Ψ Γ Γ' d s v,
    val_has_type (PsiGammaCtx Ψ Γ) (VReg s) int
       val_has_type (PsiGammaCtx Ψ Γ) v int
       ty_update Γ d int = Γ'
       instr_has_type (PsiCtx Ψ) (IAdd d s v) (Γ, Γ')
  | S_If : Ψ Γ r v,
    val_has_type (PsiGammaCtx Ψ Γ) (VReg r) int
       val_has_type (PsiGammaCtx Ψ Γ) v code(Γ)
       instr_has_type (PsiCtx Ψ) (IJIf r v) (Γ, Γ).

Typing rules for instruction sequences:
Typing rules for register files:

Inductive regs_has_type : ctx regs ty_map Prop :=
  | S_Regfile : Ψ Γ R,
    ( r, v τ, to_val (R (Id r)) = v
                              ty_lookup_int Γ r = τ
                              value_has_type (PsiCtx Ψ) v τ)
       regs_has_type (PsiCtx Ψ) R Γ.

Typing rules for heaps:

Inductive heap_has_type : ctx heap ty_map Prop :=
  | S_Heap : Ψ H,
    ( l, ty_lookup Ψ l = None
                  ( I τ, H (Id l) = Some I
                                    ty_lookup Ψ l = Some τ
                                    instr_seq_has_type (PsiCtx Ψ) I τ
                                    ftv_null τ))
       heap_has_type EmptyCtx H Ψ.

Typing rules for machine states:

Inductive mstate_ok : ctx mstate Prop :=
  | S_Mach : Ψ Γ H R I,
    heap_has_type EmptyCtx H Ψ
       regs_has_type (PsiCtx Ψ) R Γ
       instr_seq_has_type (PsiCtx Ψ) I code(Γ)
       mstate_ok EmptyCtx (MSt H R I).

In addition to the relations from above we now provide functions for type-checking of operands, instructions and so on.
Returns the type of the given value by using the given context. If no type can be found, None is returned.

Definition value_type (c : ctx) (v : val) : option ty :=
  match c, v with
    | PsiCtx _, VNum _Some int
    | PsiCtx Ψ, VLbl lty_lookup Ψ l
    | _, _None

Returns the type of the given operand by using the given context. If no type can be found, None is returned.

Definition val_type (c : ctx) (v : val) : option ty :=
  match c, v with
    | PsiGammaCtx _ Γ, VReg rty_lookup Γ r
    | PsiGammaCtx Ψ _, _value_type (PsiCtx Ψ) v
    | _, _None

Returns a substitution type for the given type variable in the first type by unifying the first type with the second type. If no type can be found, None is returned.

Fixpoint ty_var_subst (τ : ty) (τ' : ty) (α : nat) : option ty :=
  match τ, τ' with
    | int, _None
    | code(Γ), code(Γ')
      (fix ty_map_var_subst (xs : ty_map) (ys : ty_map) : option ty :=
         match xs, ys with
           | (_, t) :: tm1, (_, t') :: tm2
             match ty_var_subst t t' α with
               | Nonety_map_var_subst tm1 tm2
               | xx
           | _, _None
         end) Γ Γ'
    | code(_), _None
    | TAlpha β, _if beq_nat α β then Some τ' else None
    | β.>t, _.>t'if beq_nat α β then None else ty_var_subst t t' α
    | β.>t, _if beq_nat α β then None else ty_var_subst t τ' α

Removes the first quantifier in the beginning of the given type.

Definition ty_remove_quantifier (τ : ty) : ty :=
  match τ with
    | _.>τ' ⇒ τ'
    | _τ

Instantiates the type variables, that are quantified in the beginning of the first type, with a concrete type by unifying the first type with the second type. This function implements the typing rule S_Inst.

Definition ty_inst (τ : ty) (τ' : ty) : ty :=
  (fix ty_inst' (τ1 : ty) (τ2 : ty) : ty :=
     if beq_ty τ2 τ'
       then τ2
       else match τ1 with
              | α.>tmatch ty_var_subst t τ' α with
                           | Noneτ2
                           | Some t'let τ2' := ty_remove_quantifier τ2
                                         in ty_inst' t (replace_ty τ2' α t')
              | _τ2
            end) τ τ.

Returns the type of the given instruction by using the given context and the given register file type. If no type can be found, None is returned.

Definition instr_type (c : ctx) (Γ : ty_map) (ι : instr)
  : option (ty_map × ty_map) :=
  match c, ι with
    | PsiCtx Ψ, IMov d vmatch val_type (PsiGammaCtx Ψ Γ) v with
                                | NoneNone
                                | Some τ ⇒ Some (Γ, ty_update Γ d τ)
    | PsiCtx Ψ, IAdd d s v
      let ctx := PsiGammaCtx Ψ Γ
       in match val_type ctx (VReg s), val_type ctx v with
            | Some τ, Some τ' ⇒ if beq_ty int (ty_inst τ int)
                                      && beq_ty int (ty_inst τ' int)
                                   then Some (Γ, ty_update Γ d int)
                                   else None
            | _, _None
    | PsiCtx Ψ, IJIf r v
      let ctx := PsiGammaCtx Ψ Γ
       in match val_type ctx (VReg r), val_type ctx v with
            | Some τ, Some τ' ⇒ if beq_ty int (ty_inst τ int)
                                      && beq_ty code(Γ) (ty_inst τ' code(Γ))
                                   then Some (Γ, Γ)
                                   else None
            | _, _None
    | _, _None

Returns the type of the given instruction sequence by using the given context and the given register file type. If no type can be found, None is returned.

Fixpoint instr_seq_type (c : ctx) (Γ : ty_map) (I : instr_seq) : option ty :=
  match c, I with
    | PsiCtx Ψ, IJmp v
      match val_type (PsiGammaCtx Ψ Γ) v with
        | NoneNone
        | Some τ ⇒ if beq_ty code(Γ) (ty_inst τ code(Γ))
                      then Some code(Γ)
                      else None
    | PsiCtx Ψ, ι ;; I'
      match instr_type (PsiCtx Ψ) Γ ι, instr_seq_type (PsiCtx Ψ) Γ I' with
        | Some (Γ1, Γ2), Some code(Γ3)if beq_ty_map Γ2 Γ3
                                            then Some code(Γ1)
                                            else None
        | _, _None
    | _, _None

Checks whether the given register file is typed with the given register file type by using the given context.

Definition regs_typed (c : ctx) (Γ : ty_map) (R : regs) : bool :=
  match c with
    | PsiCtx Ψ
      forallb (fun pmatch value_type c (to_val (R (Id (fst p)))) with
                          | Nonefalse
                          | Some τ ⇒ beq_ty τ (snd p)
                        end) Γ
    | _false

Checks whether the first type can be generalized with new quantified type variables so that the resulting type is equal to the second type. This function implements the typing rule S_Gen.

Fixpoint ty_gen (τ : ty) (τ' : ty) : bool :=
  beq_ty τ τ' || match τ' with
                   | _.>τ'' ⇒ ty_gen τ τ''
                   | _false

Checks whether the given heap is typed with the given heap type by using the given register file type.

Definition heap_typed (Ψ : ty_map) (Γ : ty_map) (H : heap) : bool :=
  forallb (fun pmatch H (Id (fst p)) with
                      | Nonetrue
                      | Some Ismatch instr_seq_type (PsiCtx Ψ) Γ Is with
                                     | Nonefalse
                                     | Some τ ⇒ ty_gen τ (snd p)
                                                   && ftv_null_b (snd p)
                    end) Ψ.

Checks whether the given machine state is well-typed.

Definition mstate_ok_b (Ψ : ty_map) (Γ : ty_map) (ms : mstate) : bool :=
  match ms with
    | MSt H R Ismatch heap_typed Ψ Γ H,
                          regs_typed (PsiCtx Ψ) Γ R,
                          instr_seq_type (PsiCtx Ψ) Γ Is with
                      | true, true, Some code(Γ')beq_ty_map Γ Γ'
                      | _, _, _false

We prove some useful type substitution lemmas:

Lemma ty_subst_val : (Ψ Ψ' Γ Γ' : ty_map) (α : nat) (v : val)
                            (τ τ' τ'' : ty),
  val_has_type (PsiGammaCtx Ψ Γ) v τ
     replace_ty τ α τ' = τ''
     replace_ty_map Ψ α τ' = Ψ'
     replace_ty_map Γ α τ' = Γ'
     val_has_type (PsiGammaCtx Ψ' Γ') v τ''.

Lemma ty_subst_instr : (Ψ Γ1 Γ1' Γ2 Γ2' : ty_map) (α : nat) (ι : instr)
                              (τ : ty),
  instr_has_type (PsiCtx Ψ) ι (Γ1, Γ2)
     replace_ty_map Γ1 α τ = Γ1'
     replace_ty_map Γ2 α τ = Γ2'
     instr_has_type (PsiCtx Ψ) ι (Γ1', Γ2').

Lemma ty_subst_instr_seq : (Ψ : ty_map) (I : instr_seq) (α : nat)
                                  (τ τ' τ'' : ty),
  instr_seq_has_type (PsiCtx Ψ) I τ
     replace_ty τ α τ' = τ''
     instr_seq_has_type (PsiCtx Ψ) I τ''.

Lemma ty_subst_regs : (Ψ Γ Γ' : ty_map) (R : regs) (α : nat) (τ : ty),
  regs_has_type (PsiCtx Ψ) R Γ
     replace_ty_map Γ α τ = Γ'
     regs_has_type (PsiCtx Ψ) R Γ'.

The register substitution lemma ensures that typing is preserved when we look up a value in the register file.

Lemma regs_subst : (Ψ Γ : ty_map) (H : heap) (R : regs) (v v' : val)
                          (τ : ty),
  heap_has_type EmptyCtx H Ψ
     regs_has_type (PsiCtx Ψ) R Γ
     val_has_type (PsiGammaCtx Ψ Γ) v τ
     to_val (reval v R) = v'
     value_has_type (PsiCtx Ψ) v' τ.

We prove some canonical values and canonical operands lemmas:

Lemma cc_values_int : (Ψ : ty_map) (H : heap) (v : val),
  heap_has_type EmptyCtx H Ψ
     value_has_type (PsiCtx Ψ) v int
     n, v = VNum n.
  intros Ψ H v H0 H1.
  inversion H1; subst.
  - n.
  - inversion H0.
    specialize H4 with (l := l).
    destruct H4 as [H2|H4].
    + rewrite H2 in H3.
      inversion H3.
    + destruct H4 as [I [τ [H4 [H5 [H6 H7]]]]].
      inversion H6; subst; rewrite H3 in H5; inversion H5.

Lemma cc_values_lbl : (Ψ Γ : ty_map) (H : heap) (v : val),
  heap_has_type EmptyCtx H Ψ
     value_has_type (PsiCtx Ψ) v code(Γ)
     l I, v = VLbl l H (Id l) = Some I
                               instr_seq_has_type (PsiCtx Ψ) I code(Γ).
  intros Ψ Γ H v H0 H1.
  inversion H1.
  inversion H0.
  specialize H4 with (l := l).
  destruct H4 as [H2|H4].
  - rewrite H2 in H3.
    inversion H3.
  - destruct H4 as [I [τ [H4 [H5 [H6 H7]]]]].
    + reflexivity.
    + split.
      × assumption.
      × rewrite H5 in H3.
        inversion H3.

Lemma cc_operands_int : (Ψ Γ : ty_map) (H : heap) (R : regs) (v : val),
  heap_has_type EmptyCtx H Ψ
     regs_has_type (PsiCtx Ψ) R Γ
     val_has_type (PsiGammaCtx Ψ Γ) v int
     n, reval v R = RNum n.

Lemma cc_operands_lbl : (Ψ Γ : ty_map) (H : heap) (R : regs) (v : val),
  heap_has_type EmptyCtx H Ψ
     regs_has_type (PsiCtx Ψ) R Γ
     val_has_type (PsiGammaCtx Ψ Γ) v code(Γ)
     l I, reval v R = RLbl l
                      H (Id l) = Some I
                      instr_seq_has_type (PsiCtx Ψ) I code(Γ).

Finally the proof of Soundness for TAL-0:

Theorem soundness : (ms : mstate),
  mstate_ok EmptyCtx ms
     ms', mseval_prop ms ms' mstate_ok EmptyCtx ms'.
  intros [H R I] H0.
  inversion H0.
  destruct I.
  - inversion H7.
    pose proof (cc_operands_lbl Ψ Γ H R v H5 H6 H4).
    destruct H1 as [l [I [H8 [H9 H10]]]].
     (MSt H R I).
    + eapply R_Jump; eassumption.
    + eapply S_Mach; eassumption.
  - destruct i.
    + inversion H7.
      inversion H8.
      pose proof (regs_subst Ψ Γ H R v _ τ H5 H6 H10 eq_refl).
       (MSt H (t_update R (Id n) (reval v R)) I).
      × eapply R_Mov; reflexivity.
      × eapply S_Mach.
        -- eassumption.
        -- apply S_Regfile with (Γ := ty_update Γ n τ).
           intros r.
           compare r n.
           ++ intros H13.
               (to_val (reval v R)).
              ** rewrite H13.
                 rewrite t_update_eq.
              ** split.
                 --- rewrite H13.
                     unfold ty_lookup_int.
                     rewrite ty_update_eq.
                 --- assumption.
           ++ intros H13.
               (to_val (R (Id r))).
               (ty_lookup_int Γ r).
              ** rewrite t_update_neq.
                 --- reflexivity.
                 --- congruence.
              ** split.
                 --- unfold ty_lookup_int.
                     rewrite (ty_update_neq _ _ _ _ H13).
                 --- inversion H6.
                     specialize H3 with (r := r).
                     destruct H3 as [v2 [τ2 [H3 [H14 H15]]]].
        -- assumption.
    + inversion H7.
      inversion H8.
      pose proof (cc_operands_int Ψ Γ H R v H5 H6 H13).
      destruct H1 as [n2 H14].
      inversion H6.
      specialize H2 with (r := n0).
      destruct H2 as [v2 [τ [H2 [H15 H16]]]].
      apply (cc_operands_int _ _ H R _ H5 H6) in H11.
      destruct H11 as [n1 H11].
      simpl in H11.
       (MSt H (t_update R (Id n) (RNum (Z.add n1 n2))) I).
      × eapply R_Add; try eassumption. reflexivity.
      × eapply S_Mach.
        -- eassumption.
        -- apply S_Regfile with (Γ := ty_update Γ n int).
           intros r.
           compare r n.
           ++ intros H17.
               (VNum (Z.add n1 n2)).
              rewrite H17.
              ** rewrite t_update_eq.
              ** split.
                 --- unfold ty_lookup_int.
                     rewrite ty_update_eq.
                 --- apply S_Int.
           ++ intros H17.
               (to_val (R (Id r))).
               (ty_lookup_int Γ r).
              ** rewrite t_update_neq.
                 --- reflexivity.
                 --- congruence.
              ** split.
                 --- unfold ty_lookup_int.
                     rewrite (ty_update_neq _ _ _ _ H17).
                 --- inversion H6.
                     specialize H3 with (r := r).
                     destruct H3 as [v2 [τ [H3 [H18 H19]]]].
        -- assumption.
    + inversion H7.
      inversion H8.
      pose proof (cc_operands_lbl Ψ Γ2 H R v H5 H6 H12).
      destruct H1 as [l [I2 [H13 [H14 H15]]]].
      pose proof (cc_operands_int Ψ Γ2 H R (VReg n) H5 H6 H10).
      destruct H1 as [m H16].
      destruct m.
      × (MSt H R I2).
        -- simpl in H16.
           eapply R_If_Eq; eassumption.
        -- eapply S_Mach; eassumption.
      × (MSt H R I).
        -- simpl in H16.
           eapply R_If_Neq.
           ++ eassumption.
           ++ congruence.
        -- eapply S_Mach; eassumption.
      × (MSt H R I).
        -- simpl in H16.
           eapply R_If_Neq.
           ++ eassumption.
           ++ congruence.
        -- eapply S_Mach; eassumption.